Sixteen persons were taken through a day’s seminar on violence against sex workers with respect to their basic human rights as shown below. Significantly, there were officers from the National Commission on Civil Education (NCCE), Commission on Human rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), Ghana Police, Immigration Service, Customs and the Media; both print and electronic.
Following the seminar, a social intervention on sensitization of commercial sex workers (CSWs) at a seater community at Akakpodzi on human rights followed by free distribution of both male and female condoms and lubricants. A 30mins, radio session on morning show at Holy Fm the following day focusing on discussions at the previous day’s seminar was held to run-off activities at the border town of Aflao.
One thousand booklets were printed to aid in our advocacy seminars and information dissemination. The booklet is a concise summary of issues to be addressed through this advocacy work seeking consensus on violence against sex workers among related matters such as their human rights, criminalization verses decriminalization of sex work, best practices and suggested programming protocols.